Vincent John Mirabelli
Vincent John Mirabelli
B. Juris, (Mon.) LL. B (Melb.)
Vincent John Mirabelli is a Senior Consultant with the firm and head of our Litigation Department and has practised virtually exclusively in the area of Commercial/Common Law Litigation since 1975. His extensive experience assists clients with issues and litigation involving complex contractual and other matters concerning, in the main, expensive real estate, commercial property of significant value including complex issues between conflicting Directors, Deceased Estate challenges by beneficiaries, advice on corporate governance and intellectual property protection and enforcement, important Town Planning protocols involving property development including heritage listings and planning permit refusals.
He always endeavours to resolve disputes and expensive potential legal proceedings when possible by implementing alternate dispute resolution protocols, together with expert negotiation to avoid costly and time-consuming litigation in all jurisdictions.
His extensive skills, experience and favourable results are much appreciated by our longstanding clients and new clients to the firm alike.